Tiv Youth Congress

TIV YOUTH CONGRESS Headline Animator

Thursday 2 May 2013

GREAT DAMAGE; Baga, Odi, Zaki Biam, and the Nigerian Armed Forces,

In every military operation the ability of a National Army to enforce the rules of engagement as stipulated not just by the military COC but the Geneva convention would mark that military as honourable and worthy of protecting the civilian population. We do not seems to have learnt from the misadventure in Odi Bayelsa State and Zaki Biam

in Katsina-Ala local government, Benue State. Baga is another dark side in the history of our armed forces, until commanding officers are made to answer to crimes committed in operations, court marshalled openly and made to pay for crimes, we will continue to witness unlawful use of methods that is only fit for rag tag rebel armies in failed states.

It is also wrong to suggest that the Commander in Chief Goodluck Jonathan would order the men and women in our armed forces to start burning and destroying homes. True the counter terrorism mechanism employed so far is not bringing in the desired result and Nigerians have a right to be angry and disillusioned, but it is in our interest for both the ruling party and the opposition to stop making political capital of the misfortune of the past few weeks, those who gain are the terrorists who deserve to be brought to justice by every lawful means.

My comment will not go down well with some of my friends but Esprit de corps does not include keeping quiet in the face of a dysfunctional military, rank and file would only commit atrocities if commanding officers look the other way and approve of same.

I still strongly believe that the only way out is to smoke Boko Haram out, but smoking out in military terms even in Urban warfare should first come with winning the confidence of the civilian population, burning homes (Even if they are made out of bamboo) is not a way to win people over, combat conducted in urban areas such as towns, hamlets and villages must involve the best of commanding officers, backed with a CLEAR STRATEGY and with officers who have the skills and the intelligence not to fall into being drawn into battles that would lead to a high number of civilian causalities, on the operational and tactical level, we have failed the very people we are meant to protect both in Odi, Zaki Biam, Baga and many more places. the presence of civilians and the complexity of the urban terrain should be factored in.

I have always suggested and writing to the high command for the need to embed interested war correspondents and human rights observers in non dangerous combat sectors, including providing them with access to areas where outcries are raised about extra judicial use of power. Denying them access would mean we have SO MUCH TO HIDE. My 56 page memo of 2010 is still languishing probably in the dust bin of DHQ.

Boko Haram kills more Nigerians than the men and women of the armed forces, but even one innocent Nigerian mistakingly/knowingly killed by a military maintained by the Nigerian people is a betrayal of TRUST.

Nigerian Armed forces uniform should radiate HOPE when civilian population see us in battle, we have done it in other parts of the world. Nigeria should not be any different.

We should also not forget that the actions of a minority is not a reflection of the Nigerian Armed Forces. Government should not take it lightly, may the soul of all victims REST IN PEACE.

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