Tiv Youth Congress

TIV YOUTH CONGRESS Headline Animator

Friday 24 February 2017



It was massively advertised as Dangote Truck Entrepreneurial Scheme in virtually all the non-media outlets both in the conventional and virtual media. It was designed in such a way that qualified graduates will be empowered to manage trucks assigned to them and eventually become owners after the trucks must have attained a defined mileage. So many young graduates excitedly keyed into the initiative with accolades being showered on the drafters of the scheme. It was described as a panacea to youth unemployment and was hailed by all from all quarters.

After the buzz and eulogies from the government and the public had died down, the goal post was shifted by Dangote Group. The recruited graduates were told that it's no longer and entrepreneurial scheme. They were cajoled to believe that they have been offered provisional offer of employment in one of the most 'respected brand' in the country, Dangote Cement Transport. With confirmation promised after 6months. The employment letter looked so vague and empty. It was bereft of the usual details that accompanies any offer of employment letter. Out of mixed feelings, some graduates accepted the offer and some rejected it. Most accepted it because they saw it as an avenue to work in a brand that has house hold name with great potentials. They were termed as Truck Officers with the mandate of overseeing trucks assigned to them and superintending over the truck drivers. Sadly, their hopes and dream in identifying with this brand has been dashed and short lived.

The events that have played out thus far in 8 months seems like a calculated and well orchestrated deceit with a timeline. The drafters of the scheme played it out methodologically with a defined template.

For the past 8months that Truck Officers have worked at Dangote Cement Transport, Dangote has only paid each Truck Officer roughly about 436,000 naira in total as monthly salary. What a paltry sum to be paid to a working graduate for 8months. This total sum is about what some relatively unknown companies without the clout of Dangote Group pay employees in 1 or 2 months with lesser work load compared to what obtains at Dangote Cement Transport.

This is the height of corporate fraud and enslavement. No medical benefit paid, no overtime allowance paid, no special duty allowance paid, no leave grant paid, no defined bonus paid, no form of welfare package paid, no confirmation letter as promised. Truck Officers were left at the mercy of just a misery 58,000 naira stipend paid monthly. Yet, they looked beyond the monthly take home to discharge their duties to the best of their abilities without any inhibitions.

A truck loads about 45 tonnes of cement worth over 2million naira per trip and a Truck Officer is expected to monitor the loading, dispatch and delivery of the consignment to its final destination and it's return to base with the assistance of the Truck Driver. In spite of this round the chain effort, no Truck Officer has made close to half of that amount from the company for the tireless efforts put in daily both weekends and public holiday to maintain the trucks for this past 8 months. This is regardless of the hazardous and unpleasant working condition Truck Officers are daily exposed to with nearly non existing working tools.

Within the 8months period under review, Truck Officers were responsible for the resuscitation of over 100 moribund and non operational trucks which are up and running today. So many Dangote trucks involved in accidents or broken down on the high way and littered across different parts of the country thereby causing nuisance on the road were brought back to Obajana through the major efforts of Truck Officers. This feats were mainly achieved under very strenuous conditions and risk with no special incentive paid.

The appreciation a Truck Officer gets in return for dedicatedly serving the Dangote brand for 8 months is a letter of disengagement.

This is indeed a capitalist world with heartless and conscienceless management at the helms of affairs. The management style has been so porous with no clear cut policy direction. Truck Officers are daily bequeathed with flip flop policies. Yet, they improvised and applied ingenuity in getting the job done. More so, the threat of dismissal and query even with verbal insults from management at times became a recurring trend in the course of the work. Amidst all these unfavourable challenges, Truck Officers still made huge impact in the discharge of their duties.


  1. Very true!Dangote is not who he claims to be outside!! Nigerian graduates harassed and forced to submit ID cards at gun point!! Preposterous!!!

  2. Modern slavery ....In our own country by our own country man .....dangote shame on you

  3. Are you saying the richest man in Africa did all this things you've mentioned ? Most of African rich men are evil. If he can do all this , then his a wicked man. Prospering, making wealth at the espence of peoples destiny. This fight is not only Thiers but for all nigerians to stop all the evil spirit parading themselves as angels in this country. Enough is enough. Give them their trucks .

    1. Only in Nigeria can this go on punish. NLC help

  4. This is so pathetic more than slavery

  5. Absolutely callous and evil in all ramifications. We lost a colleague on duty who never reaped the efforts of his labor but was rather compensation with a stipend of #50000 to a family man with kids. They care less their concern is push push push trucks n insults on your every effort made to be proactive n productive. Capitalism of this kind must stop,victimization of this sort must end.

  6. We call on well meaning Nigerians to support us in this cause to stop this modern slavery n victimization of this sort from continuing for the generations to come. He claims to want to empower youths to be entrepreneurs a lot keyed into the vision only for us to be maltreated, victimised, ridiculed and all sort was done to us in the course of the job. No tool of work provided. Non- compliance to all conditions of letter of engagement. No bonuses paid. Twas a 24/7 job with no holidays n no off days or allowances given. They were very wicked to all ex-truck officers . we were treated like we were plagued. But we endured n looked beyond all these to get the job done only to be treated like a criminal. Hired armed soldiers and police who harassed us forcefully collecting our idcards n compelling them to sign the letter of disengagement. Very pathetic and sad way to have dealt with us. But the soul of the dead and lost children by the ladies who were expectant during the course of the job should avenge us and God will avenge and rise on our behalf.

  7. We call on well meaning Nigerians to support us in this cause to stop this modern slavery n victimization of this sort from continuing for the generations to come. He claims to want to empower youths to be entrepreneurs a lot keyed into the vision only for us to be maltreated, victimised, ridiculed and all sort was done to us in the course of the job. No tool of work provided. Non- compliance to all conditions of letter of engagement. No bonuses paid. Twas a 24/7 job with no holidays n no off days or allowances given. They were very wicked to all ex-truck officers . we were treated like we were plagued. But we endured n looked beyond all these to get the job done only to be treated like a criminal. Hired armed soldiers and police who harassed us forcefully collecting our idcards n compelling them to sign the letter of disengagement. Very pathetic and sad way to have dealt with us. But the soul of the dead and lost children by the ladies who were expectant during the course of the job should avenge us and God will avenge and rise on our behalf.

  8. The Dangote group has made use of the mance of causualization,victimization and underemployment of the Nigerian youths by the Dangote brand is evil and such wealth is ill gotten ... When the rule of law fails then we sucummb to d whims of evil men who use and dump people with impunity and disregard for the rule of law...we will stand against this oppression and supression of the Nigerian youths who seek a decent living, so many have lost their lives working for Dangote, families lost and relocating just to make a decent living and were treated as dogs and animals, chased out by d police in a dispicable manner is uncalled for... Chased out without our entitlements paid, empty promises made, lies told to deceive the Nigerian youths...therefore I call on well meaning Nigerians and the Nigerian youths to take the bull by d horn and seek justice to be done on the dangote group!! This injustice has to stop by any means necessary!!we will not succumb to the whims of mere men... We will fight for justice and Justice will prevail for our fallen comrade in arms, for all d pain and suffering, for all d chaos and discord, for all the lies and deceit the dangote must pay for it all

  9. ..I have never seen this kind of treatment in my entire life.One would wonder if this kind of a thing could ever happen in this century. As big as Dangote company is with all his conglomerates,he has never recruited d no. of graduates as he did for Dangote cement transport..the company likes employing unlearned pple so dat he can treat them as he wants,they would nt b able to claim any right watsoeva...Dangote looks good outside,but what is going on internally is worse dan ugly itself...

  10. ..I have never seen this kind of treatment in my entire life.One would wonder if this kind of a thing could ever happen in this century. As big as Dangote company is with all his conglomerates,he has never recruited d no. of graduates as he did for Dangote cement transport..the company likes employing unlearned pple so dat he can treat them as he wants,they would nt b able to claim any right watsoeva...Dangote looks good outside,but what is going on internally is worse dan ugly itself...

  11. Very inhuman and selfish. You got the best of the poor youthful labor force who dedicated their efforts and energy that productively gave you growth. Though they were stigmatized and looked down upon by virtually every staff to the least of gate men and cleaners, with no tools of work nor office. Yet,you disengaged them in an embarrassing manner without their entitlements paid which you engaged a contract.
    Such an outlet governed company that looks like an organization that doesn't even know nor have K.P.I ; likes of the owner.
    I'm so disappointed.

  12. Very inhuman and selfish. You got the best of the poor youthful labor force who dedicated their efforts and energy that productively gave you growth. Though they were stigmatized and looked down upon by virtually every staff to the least of gate men and cleaners, with no tools of work nor office. Yet,you disengaged them in an embarrassing manner without their entitlements paid which you engaged a contract.
    Such an outlet governed company that looks like an organization that doesn't even know nor have K.P.I ; likes of the owner.
    I'm so disappointed.
